Ceri Thomas at Annigoni exhibition.FondazioneLivorno.2023
Ceri Thomas (bottom left) at the press launch of the exhibition 'Pietro Annigoni: pittore di magnifico intelletto - A Painter and his Kingdom', Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori, Villa Mimbelli, Livorno, 14 December 2023 (courtesy of Fondazione Livorno)
Pietro Annigoni drawings of HRH Prince Philip and HM the Queen Mother and the exhibition poster showing Annigoni’s painting of Baroness Stefania von Kories, at Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori, Villa Mimbelli, Livorno
Tiffany Oben, Joan Baker, Ceri Thomas and Julie Matthews, Oriel y Bont 2009
Bryn Richards, Cardiff, 11 March 2011
‘Mapping the Welsh Group at 60 / Mapio’r Grwp Cymreig yn 60’ (draft of book cover)
Book signing at National Eisteddfod, Tregaron, 1 August 2022
Ceri Thomas and Bryn Richards with one of his paintings, Oriel y Bont 2012
Pip Koppel with paintings by Robert Hunter and Heinz Koppel, ’56 Group – Then’ exhibition, Oriel y Bont (February 2013)
‘Mapping the Welsh Group at 60’ (draft of book cover)