'Charles Fisher: Writer' pastel on paper, 50 x 40 cm (2003-04)
‘Charles Fisher: Writer’ pastel on paper, 50 x 40 cm (2003-04). Fisher was a friend and contemporary of Dylan Thomas. The picture is owned by the National library of Wales.
‘Man for All Seasons’ oil on board, 70 x 50 cm (2009-11)
‘Bryn’, acrylic over plaster, 31.5 x 17 x 23.5 cm (1985)
‘Pen Tair Carn’ watercolour on paper (2013)
‘Grace Mary Williams: Composer’ oil on board, 59 x 79 cm (2001-02)
‘Aberystwyth: Dolphin’s Eye View’ 70 x 90 cm, acrylic on board (1985)
‘Ingrid Surgenor: Piano Accompanist’ pastel and watercolour on paper, 75 x 110 cm (1991)
‘Life Support’ (2015) conte pastel and charcoal on watercolour paper, 75 x 56 cm